Friday, April 23, 2021

Auditing Final Exam

[DOWNLOAD] Auditing Final Exam

Donations collected for improvements to the public library. Deposits held for customers of a municipal-owned electric utility. Assets held for investment, the earnings from which are used for maintenance of the City Cemetery. Assets held for college...

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Essay on Final Exam Questions: Auditing

Report pension expenses in a proprietary fund reflecting changes to the net pension liability. Recognize pension costs in the government-wide statements on the accrual basis of accounting. All of the above. County General Fund employees handle all collections and charge a 2. The pledge card indicated that the funds were to be used in In addition, the hospital received the cash in When should the not-for-profit hospital recognize the revenue for this contribution? When the funds are expended. Either or , depending on the policy of the hospital. For proper reporting purposes, the City would include pension trust fund financial statements in its CAFR for: Both statewide plans. The locally administered plan plus the statewide agency plan. The locally administered plan only. The college expended all of the funds during Revenue in increasing net assets with donor restrictions; recognize the expense in , and reclassify the resources from net assets with donor restrictions to net assets released from restriction in Deferred revenue in and revenue in , increasing net assets with donor restrictions.

Thoughts for your CTA Auditing final exam

The expense would be recognized also in , and the resources would be reclassified from net assets with donor restrictions to net assets released from restriction in Deferred revenue in and revenue in , increasing net assets without donor restriction. The expense would be recognized in Either b or c , depending upon the policy of the private college.

Auditing III - Test & Final Exam Notes

A violation of generally accepted accounting principles was noted that does not cause a material misstatement of the financial statements. A fund balance deficit in the General Fund. General Fund expenditures exceeded appropriations. Accounting records could not be audited due to deficient internal controls. Of this amount, 4. Indicate below the appropriate journal entries you would record for these transactions. Indicate the names of the accounts to be debited and credited and the appropriate amounts. Using the applicable FASB standards, how should the pledge be recognized? In their respective government-wide statements, state and local governments use the accrual basis of accounting whereas federal agencies use the cash basis of accounting. State and local governments record appropriations whereas federal agencies record apportionments. Federal agencies use a dual-track method of accounting for proprietary accounts and budgetary accounts; state and local governments use both budgetary and proprietary accounts only in governmental funds.

How to Prepare CA Final Audit by Self Study?

The budget is recorded in the General Ledger of a state or local government, but not in the General Ledger of a federal agency. In light of this requirement, indicate whether the reconciliation will: A always be subtracted from fund balances—governmental funds, B always be added to fund balances—governmental funds, or C may be added to or subtracted from fund balances—governmental funds in arriving at net position of governmental activities. Accrued interest payable that is not due during the current period 17 Lowlands College is a public college engaged in some business-type activities. Which of the following statements below is not correct as it applies to Lowlands? Only amounts that are to paid by students and third-party payers can be shown as tuition and fee revenue net of any scholarship discounts and allowances. GASB requirements for business-type activities of public colleges require accrual accounts for debt, includes accrual of interest, and amortization of debt discount and premium.

Final Exam Auditing: Chapter 16 Flashcards Preview

Auditing has never been a popular subject with students. I have to work so much harder when I lecture Auditing to keep students engaged, and their negativity is always just around the corner. These characteristics though, also indicate the increased challenge for students when they study. Depending on the level of computerised reliance on audit methodologies at the firm students work at, they may not be used to developing and communicating risks from scratch. Be careful if this is you!!! Too many students see a 20 mark question, and try figure out all the points that will be on the solution ie: They try picture the markplan in their heads, then copy the points off their imagined markplan. The problem here is that this shuts down the ability to THINK about the problem, and develop a solution. The information triggers different components of your knowledge.

Acct 555 Final Exam (Devry)

This is where you should use your knowledge as triggers. Use them as triggers to ask yourself whether each assertion has been taken care of management, and then use them to develop procedures. How do you prove accuracy? Recalculate something. Trace it to originals, Agree it to the source document details. Stop trying to visualise the markplan. Available marks vs Required Marks This is a constant complaint from students. Remember that the markplan is often FAR bigger than the required marks. So a 20 mark question may have 30 or 40 possible or available marks on the markplan. Let it GO! Does that make it a little more clear!!!? You are statistically FAR less likely to get marks at the end of a question than the beginning of the next one. The Case Study Make the reading time work for you. Has that ever helped you get to the solution faster?


Have you ever been able to put pen to paper as soon as you get the required?! The working papers will indicate the question. Eg: Background info is often for AFS risks; System descriptions are for control weaknesses, recommendations or testing. This helps shape your understanding of the task ahead of you before you get the required. You know that you end up reading the detail in the case study again once you get the required… so you waste time by trying to finish all the detailed reading twice. Back to basics No, no one wants to get a question that requires procedures for Debentures or some horrible financial instrument.

Audit Questions

The assertions are the same as any simple asset, so start there! A mark is a mark… get the simple ones first! Good luck! Yvonne Starkey CA SA I coach accounting students who are struggling with their study habits and mindset, and want their studies to be as effective as they used to be. See more on my about page.

Technical articles

Bank deposit lead schedule. Standard bank confirmations. Deposits in transit on the year-end bank reconciliation to deposits in the cash receipts journal. Checks dated before year-end listed as outstanding on the year-end bank reconciliation to the cutoff statement. Deposits listed on the cutoff statement to deposits in the cash receipts journal. Checks dated after year-end to outstanding checks listed on the year-end bank reconciliation and to the cutoff statement. Direct access to securities in the safe-deposit box is limited to one corporate officer. Personnel who post investment transactions to the general ledger are not permitted to update the investment subsidiary ledger. Purchase and sale of investments are executed on the specific authorization of the board of directors.


The recorded balances in the investment subsidiary ledger are periodically compared with the contents of the safe-deposit box by independent personnel. Existence of unrealized gains or losses in the portfolio. Completeness of recorded investment income. Classification between current and noncurrent portfolios. Valuation of marketable equity securities. Relies on the entity's internal controls if the auditor has reasonable assurance that the control activities are being applied as prescribed. Confirms the number of shares owned that are held by an independent custodian. Determines the market price per share at the balance sheet date from published quotations. Confirms the number of shares owned with the issuing company. Trace deposits of dividend checks to the cash receipts book. Reconcile recorded earnings with the dividend earnings reported in the investment broker statement.

Audit Final Exam

Compare the amounts received with prior-year dividends received. Recompute selected extensions and footings of dividend schedules and compare totals to the general ledger. Vouching the receipt and deposit of interest checks. Confirming the bond interest rate with the issuer of the bonds. Recomputing the interest earned on the basis of face amount, interest rate, and period held. Testing the controls over cash receipts. The entity is a new audit client. Significant uncertainty exists in key inputs to the entity's valuation models. The entity has a financial instrument with a Level 2 input. The entity owns a large and diverse portfolio of publicly traded stock.

FINAL EXAM Auditing Flashcards

If you have any comment or suggestion on any aspect of this module or any module please send it to: ulmsenq liv. Course Materials Syllabus posted to Blackboard in the Syllabus… Words - Pages 9 Some Paper that I have to upload student and his or her final grade in an accounting course. You are expected to complete homework assignments in time for the related class discussion. It is your responsibility to be prepared to respond when called on in class. After performing the above steps, attempt the homework assignments without going back to the chapter material. If you cannot complete the homework problems without referring back to your text or notes, you are not yet ready for the exam!

Shared Flashcard Set

Other Resources: I strongly recommend students form study groups to meet to review the material and work out homework problems together. If you are having difficulties, please see me as early in the semester as possible. Do not wait until the end… Words - Pages 13 Essay about Final An extravert is someone who would be more open to ask questions and not just live off the knowledge of facts. Modern education has be pushing students towards the introvert personality, while the job market is looking for those with an extravert personality. There are five semi open ended questions worth 70 points along with an accompanying cyber security action plan template worth 30 points.

CA Final Exam Papers Group I Advanced Auditing November 2002

You are to answer each of the five questions and to complete the Cyber Security Action Plan template based on best practices and your understanding of the case. This is mostly achieved by self-study of textbook chapters and participation in class discussions. Implementing existing standards. You will get ample practice on implementation through in-class and online exercise question sets. Evaluating existing standards. In-class discussions will focus on the discretion current GAAP allows, the shortcomings of the existing standards and potential alternative reporting standards. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with this website.

Final Exam: Accounting for governmental and nonprofit organizations

You can start studying immediately with an instant download to your computer or mobile device. Everything you need to know to understand the test, master the multiple choice questions and improve your score. The questions are harder than what you will find on the exam. Rated 5 out of 5 Ed H. However, it is good for practice to use harder exams. Rated 5 out of 5 Stella — August 19, This is a solid resource. I would give it five stars if it had simulations. Since simulations are a big part of the exam, they should be included in these CPA exam questions. Rated 5 out of 5 A. N — August 4, I was happy with these questions. I would probably prefer it if the questions were in a format similar to the actual exam. Instead you only get a document to download. I was able to use my questions from for my exam in I still passed: Rated 5 out of 5 Scott H.

CA Final Audit Notes

They are all the same. Short questions followed by short answers. You do not get the level of detail in the answers that I would want. I like to cross reference the answers with the study material. Rated 5 out of 5 B. You get more CPA questions here than you could possibly use. Not sure how exam went. Materials were up to date and the sheer quantity of questions was astounding.

Auditing - Exam #3 Final - Short Answer

Still not sure I passed the exam though: Rated 5 out of 5 Craig — It is a solid product. I found the questions were useful. Rated 5 out of 5 Jesse G. I find it is largely memory work. You have to memorize the most mundane topics. Easier to do with practice questions. Rated 5 out of 5 Dave R. Focuses on key areas that are heavily tested on the exam. Lots of multiple choice questions no simulations so you can practice. These explanations are clear and you can make quick bullet points on the reasoning. The downside is that the questions are not organized by way of topic. This took me me some time to get used to. Good luck everyone! Add a review You must be logged in to post a review. Related products.

Final Exam: Accounting for governmental and nonprofit organizations | Accounting Assignments Help

This Paper has 24 answerable questions with 0 answered. Total No. If a candidate who has not opted for Hindi medium, answers in Hindi, his answers in Hindi will not be valued. Answer Questions 1 and 2 and any four from the rest. Marks 1. As a Statutory Auditor for the year ended 31st March, , how would you deal with the following? While finalizing the accounts, the directors carried out the said adjustment since they were certain that the High Court approval would be received.

All CA Final Mock Test Papers (MTP) by ICAI Nov exam [ Download PDF] - CAKART

The said petition has not come up for hearing till the date of signing of the accounts by the auditor. These borrowings are used to invest in shares of A Ltd. As on 31st March, since the said project was not yet complete, the directors of R Ltd. While finalizing the accounts for the year ended 31st March, , the CFO of the company decided to create a Deferred Tax Asset for the tax benefits that would arise in future years from the earlier years losses that had remained unabsorbed in Income tax. Discuss the following with reference to the Chartered Accountants Act, and schedules there to a A Chartered Accountant in practice has been suspended from practice for a period of 6 months and he had surrendered his Certificate of Practice for the said period. During the said period of suspension, though the member did not undertake any audit assignments, he undertook representation assignments for income tax whereby he would appears before the tax authorities in his capacity as a Chartered Accountant.

2021 Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) Exam Syllabus

R, a Chartered accountant in practice has been elected as the treasurer of a Regional Council of the Institute. The Regional Council had organised an international tour through a tour operator during the year for its members. During the audit of the Regional Council, it was found that Mr. R had received a personal benefit of Rs. Q a Chartered accountant in practice as a proprietor died in a road accident. His widow sold the practice of her husband to another Chartered Accountant in practice for Rs.

Auditing - Final - Multiple Choice - ProProfs Quiz

The price also included right to use the firm name of Mr. Answer the following brief: a How can an Auditor identify Related Parties? Briefly discuss the additional requirements as per Section A, which are silent in clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. Discuss the above statement and state in this context the reporting considerations, when the auditor uses the work performed by other auditor. Answer the following: a Describe the audit procedures to be followed by a Statutory Auditor of a bank for audit of Contingent Liabilities.

Essay on Final Exam Questions: Auditing - Words | Major Tests

This can result in unrecorded sales transaction and theft. Accounts Receivable should be segregated from what? General Ledger This can result in unrecorded sales transactions and theft of goods Cash receipts should be segregated from what? Accounts REceivable Theft in cash may happen. Inherent risk factors affectin revenue process 1. Complexity and contentiousness of revenue recognition issues 3. Difficult of auditng transactions and account balances 4. Understand and document the revenue process based on a reliance approach 2. Plan and perform tests of controls on revenue transactions 3.

CA Final Amendments for May 2021 Exams by ICAI

Guidance Note on Audit of Banks. CARO Applicable. ICAI Announcement List of topic-wise exclusions from the syllabus Chapter on Special Audit Assignment topic has been excluded. Guidance Note on Audit of Inventories. Guidance Note on Audit of Investments. Guidance Note on Audit of Liabilities. Guidance Note on Audit of Revenue. Guidance Note on Audit of Expenses. Guidance Note on Audit of Payment of Dividend. Guidance Note on Audit of Capital and Reserves. Guidance Note on Reporting under section 3 f and h of the Companies Act, Part-I: Corporate Laws Section A- Company Law Following sections of the Companies Act are excluded- — , — , — , — , — , , , , , and provisions related to Producer Companies.

Download CA Final Audit- Study Material and More

Whereas, the Relevant rules of the Companies Act to the extent covered in the November edition of the Study Material, shall only be relevant for the said examinations. All other Rules of the Companies Act, are excluded. All other rules of the Securities Contract Regulation Rules, are excluded. Rules related to PMLA is excluded in its entirety. Economic Laws Chapter 6: The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, Entire content to the extent covered in the study material shall only be relevant for the said examinations covering- Relevant definitions in the Study Material Provisions up till section 59 Provisions from section 60 onwards are excluded. Rules related to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, is relevant to the extent covered in the Study Material.


Bare Act with Rules. The entire content included in the August edition of the Study Material shall be relevant for the May examination. Accordingly, the direct tax laws, as amended by the Finance Act, , would be applicable for May, examinations. The relevant assessment year for May, examinations is A. In the alternative, the question may mention that the relevant provisions in the earlier year were the same as they are for A.

Auditing Final Exam: Ch 10-13

Accordingly, the amendments made by the Taxation and Other Laws Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions Act, , would be applicable for May, examinations. However, certain provisions which provide for extension of time for making investment or filing return etc. Applicability of provisions of direct tax laws dealt with in Final New Paper 7 while addressing issues and making computation in case study based questions in Final New Paper 6C. The questions based on case study in the Elective Paper 6C: International Taxation may involve application of other provisions of direct tax laws dealt with in detail in Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation, which the students are expected to be aware of. Students may note that they are expected to integrate and apply the provisions of direct tax laws dealt with in Final Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation and in the Elective Paper 6C: International Taxation in making computations and addressing relevant issues in questions raised in the Elective Paper 6C on International Taxation.

Audit Questions - CPA Sample Questions and Study Materials

These publications and updates have to be read along with the relevant bare Acts and Rules to address issues and make computations in case study based questions. It may be noted that if a case study based question involves application of a double taxation avoidance agreement DTAA , the extract of the relevant article s of the DTAA would be given in the question paper. Students are expected to have the ability to interpret the article s of the DTAA in answering case study based questions.

ICAI - The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

World Trade Organization — Entire chapter is excluded. In specific, chapter related to Insolvency resolution and bankruptcy for individuals and partnership firms of the Code from section 78 to is excluded. Coverage of the Rules or regulations to the IBC are restricted to the extent covered in the study material. Rules related to PMLA are excluded. In case any amendment had taken place in IFRS but the same is yet to be notified in Ind AS, then it would not be applicable for this paper for May, examination. The entire content included in the November edition of the Study Material except the exclusions mentioned herein shall be relevant for May examinations. Applicability of Finance Act, Assessment Year etc.

Thoughts for your CTA Auditing final exam | Accounting Study Advice

The relevant assessment year is A. Further, the amendments in section 10 23C , the provisions of new section 12AB and consequential amendments in section 11, 12A, 12AA, 35, 56 2 , 80G, BBDA, TD and , effected by the Finance Act, , in respect of which the effective date has later been deferred to 1. Students may refer to the November, edition of the Study Material, which contains the provisions of direct tax laws relevant for May, examination. The Study Guidelines given below specify the exclusions from the syllabus for May examination. Other provisions: Transitional Provisions v Officers of Customs; Appointment of customs ports, airports etc. However, select amendments made by the Finance Act, namely, amendments made in sections 10, 16, 29, 30, 31, 51, and of the CGST Act, have not become effective as on Therefore, the same are not applicable for May examinations. Applicability of the Finance No. Table of Contents.

Audit and Assurance (AA) | ACCA Global

Auditing has never been a popular subject with students. I have to work so much harder when I lecture Auditing to keep students engaged, and their negativity is always just around the corner. These characteristics though, also indicate the increased challenge for students when they study. Depending on the level of computerised reliance on audit methodologies at the firm students work at, they may not be used to developing and communicating risks from scratch. Be careful if this is you!!! Too many students see a 20 mark question, and try figure out all the points that will be on the solution ie: They try picture the markplan in their heads, then copy the points off their imagined markplan. The problem here is that this shuts down the ability to THINK about the problem, and develop a solution.

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