Sunday, April 25, 2021

Beowulf Discussion Questions And Answers

[FREE] Beowulf Discussion Questions And Answers

Give two examples of caesura in the first five lines. Give two examples of alliteration in the first 10 lines. Give one example of a kenning in the first 29 lines. Give one example of an epithet in the first 29 lines. Describe Grendels lineage that...

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beowulf study guide and test

Explain the imagery when Herot is described in lines What purpose does this imagery serve? What items from his rsum does Beowulf share with Hrothgar to convince him of his worthiness to fight Grendel? What has Beowulf heard about how Grendel fights, and how does he vow to also fight? Describe the differences that exist between Hrothgar and Beowulf in your opinion. Why is Grendel a necessity in the epic poem and to the epic hero? The Battle with Grendel What is the purpose of Grendels attacks being so vividly described? Whats the intended effect? Identify the diction used that contributes to these horrific images. What is Grendels immediate impulse when he feels the strength of Beowulfs hand? If hes so fierce, why does he have this particular impulse?

Beowulf Discussion

Why do we again get such a thorough description of Herot as Beowulf and Grendel battle? What is it again being likened to? Why cant Beowulfs mens do any harm to Grendel? Describe how Beowulf defeats Grendel. How does Beowulf show off his victory? What traits of Beowulf and Grendel raise the fight between them to the level of an epic struggle between the two great opposing forces in the world good versus evil? What is this description of the monsters lair an allusion to?

Beowulf questions and answers quizlet

The Battle with Grendels Mother This part is left out of the textbook selection. Who is Unferth and what does Beowulf promise to him if he doesnt survive the battle? What keeps Grendels mother and the other sea monsters from hurting Beowulf as she drags him to her lair? Why do you think Hrunting and Beowulfs armor are ineffective against the lady monster? Is this a pagan or a Christian value?

Sample Discussion Questions on Beowulf with Answers Key

As Grendels mother gains advantage over him, what part of the epic heros journey is Beowulf in? What saves Beowulf from the dagger? Does this show a pagan or a Christian belief? How does this battle end? What two trophies does Beowulf return with? Beowulfs Last Battle What honor does Beowulf receive after Higlac and his son have died? For how long does he rule? What is threatening his kingdom and why does he go to fight it? What does he do differently in planning for how to fight this battle? Does this reveal any changes in him?

Beowulf Questions and Answers

Describe Beowulfs battle with the dragon. Who is Wiglaf and how does he differ from Beowulfs other followers? The Death of Beowulf Who does Beowulf give thanks to before dying? What honor does he bestow on Wiglaf? What does Wiglafs speech in lines reveal about the importance of honor and the consequences of dishonorable behavior in this time period? Mourning Beowulf What is the message to all men 61 at the end of the poem? Does this ending fit that of an epic hero? Themes, Motifs, and Symbols: Provide explanations of and evidence for each of the following themes, motifs, and symbols.

beowulf discussion

What does he accuse Beowulf of? Being what? Why is this important to know? Who is the hero of each tale? AT the end of pt. How do you think Hrothgar is reacting to this? List any kennings. Read the information box on p. What do you discussioj the At linethe tone of the djscussion changes. What happens? What is your textual proof? How does it change and why does it change? Night is personified beginning in line Explain lines — What does Hrothgar offer?


Why is this significant? Knowing the Answers Beowulf Questions And Answers Please choose one of the following questions pertaining to the Old English epic Beowulf and write a paragraph in response. The paragraph should feature a topic sentence in which you respond to the question in one sentence. The rest of the paragraph should support the topic sentence with evidence from the text. Make sure that you use direct quotes, introducing and integrating these quotes in your own sentences. Beowulf Discussion To whom do they sing their songs? What is the purpose of their performances? Much of the subject matter the poets relate in Beowulf revolves around heroic traditions, including important lineages and established links to heroic deeds. They are also singing their songs to their audience who is, presumably , comprised of future generations of Anglo Saxons in order to relate a long and complex history of wars, conquests, and honor in a relatively simple manner that both establishes history itself and puts the hero and his family in historical and cultural context.

Beowulf Key Questions: Key Questions and Answers | SparkNotes

What is it that makes Beowulf a true hero? How do Beowulf's deeds, words, and beliefs come together to create the "perfect" medieval warrior? Why are boasting and storytelling so important in the medieval warrior culture of Beowulf? What function do they serve in the epic? How much control do the characters in Beowulf have over their fates? Are skilled warriors any more likely to succeed than cowards? Who does the narrator remind us is calling all the shots? What role do women play in Beowulf?

beowulf questions

Consider Queen Wealhtheow, Queen Hygd, and the various unnamed daughters of kings. How do women function in medieval Scandinavian society to reinforce alliances and solve blood-feuds? Why does Beowulf have to die at the end of the epic? How would the epic be different if it ended with Beowulf alive, triumphant, and still king of the Geats? After reading Beowulf, what sense do you have of the relationships that existed between different early medieval tribes, such as the Danes, the Geats, the Swedes, the Franks, and the Frisians? Don't worry about the petty details of historical politics and dates; just think about the culture and the way these groups interact.

BEOWULF: Grendel, Beowulf, and the Battle with Grendel

Is life pretty calm and consistent, or full of unexpected catastrophes? On what does the safety of each tribe depend? Why are some tribes in constant conflict with each other? How can blood-feuds be solved—or can they? Several times in Beowulf, we hear the same story narrated twice, often because something happens, and then we get to hear one character explain what just happened to someone else. For example, at the end of the epic, Wiglaf witnesses Beowulf's fight with the dragon and death, and then he describes it to the other Geats. Why do you think the author chose to repeat parts of the story in this way?

Beowulf Discussion Board 2021

What effect does it have on you as a reader? One important poetic device in Old English is the "kenning," a compound word in which one thing is described by a fanciful two-word metaphor. For example, the sea is described as a "whale-road" 10 , a king is described as a "ring-giver" 36 , and a murderer is described as a "corpse-maker" What effect do these kennings have on you as a reader?

Beowulf Discussion Questions

To whom do they sing their songs? What is the purpose of their performances? Much of the subject matter the poets relate in Beowulf revolves around heroic traditions, including important lineages and established links to heroic deeds. They are also singing their songs to their audience who is, presumably , comprised of future generations of Anglo Saxons in order to relate a long and complex history of wars, conquests, and honor in a relatively simple manner that both establishes history itself and puts the hero and his family in historical and cultural context.

beowulf discussion questions

Where does the dragon come from? Why does it attack the Geats? Is the dragon a greater or lesser threat than Grendel? Why does Beowulf want to fight him? The dragon had been sleeping while protecting the treasure, and once he awoke, he came to raze the land until Beowulf went to defend his kingdom. This was an equal threat as Grendel in the sense that the dragon came and invaded his people but with the help of his men, he might have had an easier time defeating him. Beowulf fought in defense of his land and he might have been able to overcome the dragon with the help of his other fighters, but all but one ran away, thus leaving Beowulf to die.

Beowulf Study Questions Answer Key

Who are the Swedes and the Frisians? Why are they given so much detailed information about the history of their quarrels with the Geats? The Swedes and the Frisians were at constant war with the Geats and are given so much information is dedicated to them because again, just as in terms with the long histories of ancestry that are given throughout the epic poem, because it establishes a concise history of a people. The Geats are seen as a people in need of defense and furthermore, the uniting figure of Beowulf gives them hope for a better future because of alliances forged.

Beowulf Discussion Questions : “The Arrival of the Hero”

Look at the religious references in the poem: What are the names of the Gods? What Biblical events are mentioned, and who mentions them? What specifically pagan practices sacrifice, burial, augury, etc are described? How does the character see their relationship to God or the Gods Why would a Christian author write a poem about a pagan hero? The last part of this question is the most important element in the response, as this is not a story that has been derived directly from any kind of Christian tradition. Beowulf is an epic tale that had been passed down through the oral tradition before it was finally transcribed by what is believed to be a Christian monk.

Beowulf Test Questions And Answers Pdf

While there are certainly some elements of Christianity that appear in the epic poem as a result of the transcriber, the tale is preserved with many of the same aspects that were important to the early Anglo-Saxon culture that originated the story.

Beowulf Discussion Questions : “Unferth's Challenge” - Eckman ...

Why did Wulfgar stop Beowulf and his men? Why is this important? Does Hrothgar trust Beowulf? How do you know this? Beowulf is giving his resume to Hrothgar. What are his qualifications? Discuss the purpose of this section. Discuss the Christian references in this section. List any kennings. Include how you believe Beowulf would react to this. The tone of the passage significantly changes at the end.

[DOWNLOAD] Beowulf Discussion Questions And Answers | HOT!

Discuss the effect of this on you the reader and why this may have been done. Change your perspective- look at this passage through the eyes of Grendel. Discuss how Grendel would react to this passage. Related documents.

Franklin High School Virtual Library / Beowulf Discussion Board

The Battle with Grendel pg. Gold-shining hall Herot ; sliding silently, swampland; high Herot; trap on this trip. Snaps door open; tears fasteners with a touch. What imagery is evident when Grende enters Herot? Heart laughed — relished the sight of feasting on these soldiers. Describe the death of one of the Geats killed by Grendel. Grendel ripped him apart, cut his body to bits with his powerful jaws, drank his blood, bolted him down hands and feet. What oxymoron is present on line ? The stock epithet? Wakeful sleeper; strong-hearted wakeful sleeper. State two kennings on line describing Grendel. Shepherd of evil; guardian of crime. There was a different Herot. Remembered his boast to his king to kill Grendel. Cracked his claws. State alliteration found on lines How does Herot withstand the battle between Grendel and Beowulf? Destroyed by fire. Why is Grendel screaming in the darkness?

Beowulf packet answers

Shrieks of pains and defeat, tears torn out of Grendel. State the kennings and alliteration found in lines What discovery is made by Grendel? The price for feuding with God. Sinews in shoulder snapped; muscle and bone split and broke. Does Grendel die in Herot? He is mortally wounded but escapes, then goes to underwater lair to die. How do these ancient people exhibit similar traits of people today? State two examples of alliteration in lines Hard-hooved horses, high-spirited stallions. How did the Danes honor Beowulf? Sang of his greatness; wove Beowulf into their history which will give Beowulf immortality. Her revenge is bloody, fierce, and fast. She reversed the good luck of the Danes, fought with power and courage, and smashed shining swords. State examples of alliteration found in lines Smashing their shining swords; bloody, hammer forged blades onto boar-headed helmets, slashing stabbing with the sharpest swords, swung.

Top Exams 2021

Given shelter and sleep in a different hall. What imagery does Hrothgar use to describe the dark lake where Grendel lives with his mother? Mist steams like black clouds; groves of trees all covered with frozen spray; snakelike roots; lake burns like a torch. Deer would prefer to die on the shores rather than save its life by going into the water. Reward him with gold, heaped-up treasure.

Beowulf Reading & Discussion Questions with THOROUGH ANSWER KEYS INCLUDED

Greedy she-wolf; mighty water witch. How long has she ruled this underwater lair? His armor. No sword could slice her evil skin. What also fails to protect Beowulf? His helmet — she bit holes into it. Name stock epithets used in lines Ring-marked blade ; steel-edged blade Tears at him with her clutching claws, squats on him with her weight on his stomach, draws a dagger with dried blood to kill him. What object and deity saves him from the dagger?

Beowulf Quiz | Reading Quiz - Quizizz

Woven mail shirt; Holy God — Ruler of the Heavens. What qualities distinguish this object? Cuts off her head. What happens immediately after her death? What does it symbolize? How does Beowulf repay Grendel for the evil inflicted on Hrothgar and his people? Struck off his head with a single blow. What evidence suggests the length of time Beowulf has been gone? Why is this symbolic? Blade melts; symbolic of evil within Grendel has no goodness.

Beowulf Questions and Answers (Q&A)

What does Beowulf bring with him from the underwater lair? How has the lake changed? Calm and clean, lake was peaceful; demons were dead evil eradicated. Welthow Queen of the Danes, wife of Hrothgar. Author: Brandon Johnson.

Twelfth grade Lesson BEOWULF: Grendel, Beowulf, and the Battle with Grendel

Cite lines from the text to support your opinion? What is a Kenning? Find an example of a kenning on page What do you think is the meaning of lines? Cite lines from the text to support your answer. Read lines , paraphrase them. What is Beowulf saying in lines? Paraphrase lines What does this tell us about Beowulf? How does Beowulf differ from other warriors whom Grendel has attacked?

Beowulf Reading Guide Questions and Answers

What motivates Beowulf in his time of need? Find a kenning on page Paraphrase lines What are your reactions to this? What qualities of Beowulf does this passage reveal? Why in lines and is a semi-colon used, but in lines to there is a series of commas? Why does Beowulf behead Grendel? Why does the poet include this detail about the passage of time?

english 4 beowulf study guide answer key

What does this passage reveal about Beowulf as a ruler of his people? Find examples of foreshadowing on page What effect does this sequence of events create? What does this passage reveal about Beowulf? How does this passage show a bond of kinship in Anglo-Saxon culture? What does this passage reveal about the relationship between a chief and his followers? Why does Beowulf believe that he has been a good king? Why does the treasure mean so much to Beowulf? Why does Beowulf plan the tower so carefully? What can you conclude about them? What might be their excuse? Why do you think that is true? What are lines — describing? Read lines — Is there a modern theme to this? Do you agree or disagree? How is that applicable in real life? Why does Beowulf believe he must fight the dragon? Does this also have any real life applications? What strategies did the poet use to create sympathy for the character? How are modern heroes similar or different?

Beowulf Reading & Discussion Questions with THOROUGH ANSWER KEYS INCLUDED | Teaching Resources

In lines , what internal conflict does Beowulf face? How does he resolve it? How would you contrast Beowulf in youth with Beowulf in old age? Is there a relevant theme related to this? Paint b. What concept of fate influences Beowulf? What policy does Beowulf follow as king of the Geats? Why or why not? Is Beowulf a hero? In modern terms, what is a hero and what qualities does a hero exhibit? Defend your opinion. What do you think caused this?

Twenty-One Questions

Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. Lesson Overview and Note to Teachers I explore the hero's journey with my students throughout the year by exploring works from Beowulf to Macbeth. This lesson originally appears in a unit for Beowulf on CC. My classes are held in minute block sessions. In the lesson outlined below, students engage in review of prior concepts related to the unit and course; reading, writing, and discussion of excerpts from Beowulf: Grendel, Beowulf, and the Battle With Grendel.

[ePub] Beowulf discussion questions and answers -

I tell students that they will stand in my doorway when first in line and I will ask the student a question to review important concepts for the unit and course, which we have explored in prior class sessions. All of these topics were covered in the background lectures in prior classes. I inform them that when called, they must stand at my doorway and must answer my question correctly to enter the classroom.

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