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Mother Tongue Amy Tan Questions And Answers

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Editor Picks "Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan It is important to understand basic details of any reading to then understand the main idea of the reading. Have Fun!! Want to test your knowledge? Are YOU a good reader? Let's find out!!! She didn't have any...

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Amy Tan "Mother Tongue" Reading Questions

What are the two Englishes? The one that she talks with her chinese family and the one that she uses in her conferences The one that she uses with the childrens and with her people in China The one that she uses in her conferences and with her boss None of the above Why Amy's friends cannot understand Amy's mother and she believes that her mother's language is perfect? She was born listening her and she learned to accept her way of talking and how to interpretated what she's saying because they talk in a secret code because is was her mother tongue a and c People referred to her mother language as "broken". By this, we can interpretate that she wasn't a good talker but still she can fully comunnicate with everyone.

Mother Tongue Multiple Choice Questions Answers

Travel to New York for better opportunities sending Amy to talk in telephone as she were her mother send her child to talk in the stockbroker's office Why she never achieve excellent scores in the English's tests? Her mother's english affected her posibilities in life she wasn't interest in achieving excellent grades She didn't understand her teacher a and b.

After reading Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” (pp. 697- 703)

Provide words per response, which will result in a total of words for the assignment. Dialogue is the conversation between two or more individuals in a given text. Would the story work as well without the dialogue? Why or why not? Recall a time when you made a conscious choice to vary your language based your audience. Why did you alter your speech? What changes did you make? What was your intended goal? Explain your answer.

Essay on Amy Tan’s A Mother’s Tongue

Why do you think Tan chose to begin by denying her own authority? Tan mentions how Asian-Americans are underrepresented in American literature. Name another group—it can be a group based upon race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, etc. So for example, you may talk about how Group X seems to be underrepresented in the field of chemistry, or Group Y seems to be underrepresented in the field of mathematics, or Group Z seems to be underrepresented in the field of professional bowling. Once you have identified your specific group and your specific field, discuss why you think this underrepresentation exists.

"Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan

Sunday, March 15, "Mother Tongue" Questions on Rhetoric and Style Amy Tan opens her essay by writing "I am no a scholar o English or literature" and then contrasts this statement in the next paragraph by stating "I am a writer" in order to establish the background that she has with the English language. She claims that the difference between these two are that a scholar studies the English language and a writer is someone who "has always loved language" and studies how it is used in her daily life.

Ongoing Conversations

In her opening two paragraphs, Tan is appealing to ethos by describing how she is qualified to give an argument on language because it is not what the audience would assume based on the title of the piece. This strengthens her argument because her argument is about the different types of languages that she uses in her life, not about the formal English that everyone learns in school. Amy Tan uses anecdotes throughout her argument in order to establish the ways that the different forms of English has impacted her life. They further her argument by giving examples of the way that the different types of English have both improved and hindered her and her mother in the United States.

Exploring Language and Identity: Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" and Beyond

If Tan chose to omit one of these anecdotes, her argument would lose some of its credibility because the anecdotes contribute to her ethos. These personal experiences give Tan credibility to create an argument on the English language. Tan's includes a direct quote from her mother in paragraph 6 of her argument instead of rephrasing what she said because this direct quotes contains the "broken" and "fractured" aspect of her mother's that Tan wants the audience to understand.

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

She has a hard time describing her mother's language in the essay, so she includes a short quote from her mother in order to help the audience understand the "broken" English that she uses and listens to in her everyday life. Tan not only uses personal experiences in her essay, but she also broadens it in order to relate the essay to people who do not exactly relate to her. She broadens this essay when she goes into detail about why she struggles with reading and writing versus math during testing. Everyone can relate to this because people in her audience has learned both subjects and usually they prefer one over the other or have strengths in one of those subject areas. She talks about this in order to establish her own struggles with the English testing when she says "the answers on English tests were always a judgment call" She goes into further detail to try to connect more with her audience instead of her argument always connecting to a personal anecdote.

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Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" supports James Baldwin's argument that language "reveals the private identity, and connects one with, or divorces one from, the larger, public, or communal identity" Baldwin. Tan mentions how her experience are different form her mother's because she is able to speak the public language well, while her mother has a harder time communicating with others.

Mother Tongue by Amy Tan

In Tan's essay, she gives an example of how her mother's "broken English" "divorces" Baldwin her from the community because others have a difficult time making sense of her twist on the language. Tan describes how a hospital claimed to have lost her mother's CAT scan, but "when the doctor finally called her daughter, me, who spoke in perfect English- lo and behold- we had assurances the CAT scan would be found" This scenario pertains to Baldwin's argument because Tan's mother's identity was preventing her from fully becoming a part of society, and this identity was shown through her language. Language reveals, whether it is negative or positive, aspects of a person's life, and this can help a person connect with or detach from the community and society. More specifically, Tan argues that the way people speak a language can either connect or dissociate them from society.

Questions on Tan’s, Mother Tongue

She claims that "the power of language In this passage, Tan is arguing that different forms of the English language can be used for the same purpose, which is to communicate with others in a community. Thus, Tan's belief is that all forms of English, including her mother's "broken English," is powerful and a part of her personal identity. In my view, Tan is right, because language shapes the way people are able to function in society and the way they seem themselves in a community. More specifically, I believe that the way a person is seen in society is based on the language, and the type of language, that the person speaks.

Amy Tan 's Relationship With Her Mother

Although Baldwin might object that "one may speak the same language, but in such a way that one's antecedents are revealed, or one hopes hidden" Baldwin , I maintain that society judges and stereotypes people based on how a person speaks a language. Therefore, I conclude that society plays a major role in how we create our identities based on language. Works Cited Baldwin, James. Tan, Amy. Samuel Cohen. Martin's, Posted by.

Mother Tongue - Words | Bartleby

Why are these divisions important to Tan? How does she say they affect her as a writer? She no longer focuses on writing to the readers who can understand English perfectly. How does writing for a literary audience affect the language Tan primarily uses in the essay? What kind of English do you think she believes her audience speaks? Support your answer with quotations from the text. Tan is aware that the literary audience will have a higher expectation of her writing. However, throughout her essay, any reader, whether an English scholar or student would easily be able to understand what Tan is trying to convey through her writing. And the reader I decided upon was my mother. Tan knows that there are people full of thoughts and emotions as complex as hers but are hindered by their lack of knowing English perfectly.

mother tongue close reader answers quizlet

She does not want her complex English phrasing to stop them from being able to gain something from her writing. What other titles might she have chosen? People may not be able to speak English perfectly, but that does not mean you can label them as uneducated nor does it mean you are superior. Tan could have used a title that was patronizing or condescending. Cite this page.

You may refer back to the reading as you take the quiz. Questions and Answers Removing question excerpt is a premium feature Upgrade and get a lot more done! Upgrade 1. Tan states that she was giving a talk to a large group of people. It was the same type of talk she gave regularly, but with one difference. What was that difference? Why did Tan's husband not notice her switching between her different "Englishes"? Tan says that her mother reads "Forbes" magazine and Shirley MacLaine's books with ease and converses with her stock broker weekly. What point is she trying to make in telling us this about her mother? Why does Tan wince when she refers to her mother's English as "broken" or "fractured. How does Tan know for sure that the hospital employee was treating her mother differently because of her different English? Tan suggests that so many Asians study engineering in college because A. Tan believes that her writing got much better when she began writing for whom?

AP Lang: "Mother Tongue" Questions on Rhetoric and Style

Amy Tan is a well-known Asian American author. The essay focuses on the prejudices of Amy and her mother. All her life, Amy's mother has been looked down upon due to the fact that she did not speak proper English. Amy Tan is an author who writes about her life growing up as an Asian-American in Chinatown. Her novel The Joy Luck Club is a series of short stories about Chinese mothers and their assimilated daughters. Perhaps this is because her writing is clearly so overlaid with biography and autobiography. It might also be because her stories have so touched the hearts of her readers.

Mother Tongue

And it might be because her enormous literary popularity coincides with the tremendous growth of the internet as a means of instant communication. In an Asian society, especially Chinese society assumes a vital part in every one of the three short stories, giving the primary conflict an interesting plot. Amy Tans short stories for the most part depict the inconveniences and strain between Chinese immigrant moms and their Americanized The Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan Words 5 Pages of women has drastically changed throughout the ages. GS1 When stories are true, there is more power behind them. GS2 Novels need accuracy for the book to have feeling. GS3 A rave-worthy novel needs truth to really draw the reader in. In Flight, Sherman Alexie introduces the reader to a boy who is so ashamed of his appearance that he gives himself the nickname Zits.

A Summary of Amy Tan's Mother Tongue | FreebookSummary

In The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan shares with the reader a story about the struggle of the mother-daughter relationship between four families and the shame the daughters have for not becoming who their mothers would like them to be. In terms of Amy Tan 's mother, Daisy, in "Mother Tongue" the construction of sentences is a major effector when it comes to their relationship. Before meeting John and immigrating to America in , Daisy was married to an abusive man in Shanghai, China.

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan Free Essay Example

Tags: Question Of course, they are just kids so provide them with a hint like book, chapter and verse, if necessary. Indicate all of your answers to the multiple-choice questions on the. A trader. The most common lever systems in the body are those that have the applied force between the fulcrum and the resistance. Tan states that she was giving a talk to a large group of people. Different countries celebrate this holiday on different dates. Click to see the correct answer. Amy Thompson. First language, also known as mother tongue, is generally the language a person learns first. The Consequences Of War Essay La Prenessaye Wiki 1 Rhetoric Tone Mood Footnotes Language Grammar Read the passage in its entirety, including title and footnotes Underline any unusual phrases or shifts Make note of vivid images and figures of speech try to figure out the tone of the passage Ask "What is the author's attitude or. Reply Delete. Multiple-choice questions are acknowledged to be difficult for both English mother-tongue and second-language university students to interpret and answer.

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan (Questions & Answers) | Charlene's Blog

Note that a testee who does not know the answer has a 25 per cent chance of being right by guessing! Choose the best out of three or four possible answers to each question. They will experience loss of somaesthetic sensation over the anterior two thirds of the tongue…. Questions 37 otherwise kids should not be forced to learn multiple languages.

Mother Tongue by Amy Tan | Other Quiz - Quizizz

Tan discusses the tasks she did for her parents and states the struggles she went through because of it. If a person is not fluent it does not mean they are unknowledgeable or uneducated. There is a misconception that if people seem to not have the proper speech then it concludes that they do not understand Analysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan Words 5 Pages In the article "Mother Tongue," Amy Tan reveals the struggles of being the daughter of a Chinese American, and how language barriers proved to be a constant struggle.

Mother tongue ap multiple choice questions

Throughout her article, she touches upon the disrespect her mother got because of her underdeveloped English, and how it affected her life as she grew up. Tan describes how she had to pose as her mother over the telephone to make sure her mother got the service she deserved. Why does she think that easiness is an essence of her writing?

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