Friday, April 23, 2021

Stupid Trivia Questions And Answers

[FREE] Stupid Trivia Questions And Answers

The easiest way to keep participants on side is by lacing your home-made quiz with some fun and quirky questions. Sign up to our daily newsletter The i newsletter cut through the noise Sign up Sorry, there seem to be some issues. Please try again...

Files related to Stupid Trivia Questions And Answers

100 Funny Trivia Questions and Answers

In an Iowa judge dismissed a drink driving charge for what obscure reason? In which country are there six villages called Silly, 12 called Billy, and two called Pratt? Native to the Caribbean, what sort of animal is the mountain chicken? What nickname was given to Rembrandt's The Night Watch after being over-restored in the s? True or false: You can sneeze in your sleep Who invented the word vomit? Which European country has verses to its national anthem? Which country has the most tornadoes by area? The leader of which country has his face on all the joghurt pots, has named the month January after himself and banned ballet.

111 Funny Trivia Questions and Answers Printable

What is the collective noun for a group of unicorns? Where was the fortune cookie invented? What is the cross between a donkey and a zebra known as?

Can You Answer These 10 Trick Questions Without Looking Stupid?

Trivia Question: What musician was deported from Japan in the s for possession of marijuana? Answer: Billie Holiday Trivia Question: What instrument is used by the indigenous people of Australia to accompany ceremonial dancing and singing? Answer: Prince Trivia Question: The sackbut was an early form of which musical instrument? Answer: Ray Parker, Jr. What was the name of the album? Answer: Plane accident Trivia Question: Taylor Swift was discovered in when she performed at what Nashville venue? Answer: 3 Trivia Question: Who was the lead guitarist of Queen?

50+ Best trivia questions about the USA

Answer: N. Answer: Meghan Trainor Trivia Question: Which lead singer is credited with popularizing stage diving? Answer: Maroon 5 Trivia Question: According to Billboard, who was the top-selling album artist of the s? Answer: Elton John Trivia Question: Who was the first country artist to sell over 10 million copies of an album?

The Funny Quiz Questions Page

I enjoy politics, movies, television, poker, video games, and trivia. Funny Trivia: A Thing? Try searching Google for "funny trivia. I'm talking about laugh-inducing trivia. Stuff that's really funny and well-written. This game is intended to cause laughter. Hopefully it's like a comedic version of a trivia game. That being said, it's still a good trivia game. The game is intended to be played between two teams. The toss-ups should be read until one team answers. The team that answers then receives a bonus question that only that team can answer. The game is suitable for bar trivia, similar to the format of Geeks Who Drink. Watch the video at the bottom for an example of how the game is played.

127 Best Fun Trivia Questions and Answers That Will Entertain Anyone

She starred in a movie called The Beaver. Louis at a. In what state is Torrey Pines located? They are never seen drinking cappuccino in Italian restaurants with oriental women. I eat my lunch. I go to the lavatory. On Wednesdays I go shopping and buttered scones for tea. Name it. The band took its name from the radio call sign that the character Jon Baker used in what show? I was five at the time. Played it till my fingers bled. It was the summer of He was also the lead singer of a band, but was replaced by Sammy Hagar. He was a famous voice artist. He voiced a famous cartoon character. The cartoon character was a rabbit. Who was he? Identify the celebrities from their high school yearbook pictures. Who Am I? Game Questions With Answers Famous people often have cause to insult other famous people for one reason or another. Identify the sports star from the injury that sent him to the bench: This former cub missed three weeks with a back injury after he sneezed violently.

Weakest link funny answers and correct answers

You identify the other act. Because the night belongs to lawyers. I love the taste of Lorainne on my lips. What the fuck is wrong with the world? Identify the person being spoken about given a celebrity and their insult. I thought, yeah you have to get back to work to buy crack. You know, I just want to say to her, just very quickly: fuck you. Anyone else hurt in the accident? This hall-of-famer was off to a white-hot start in , hitting. He ended the year at. He scraped his wrist and missed game time. You tell me the director of the original and the year it was released. But we are not men. I was there.

35+ Funny Quiz Questions and Answers

And I watched her die. I watched her overdose and choke to death. My nipples are no use to him. Part of the frustration was that Stewart and Andy were driven to write. This famed handicapper ended his career by uttering a diatribe on the superiority of the black athlete and Civil War breeding. Got it? Or collard greens or whatever the hell they serve.

Writing Great Questions

Some stupid questions can be hilarious at times, especially when such questions are asked by friends. In other situations, they can be very annoying and just plain stupid, making you wonder if the person asking the question is in their right mind. When life gets so serious and boring, you can lighten the mood and add a bit of laughter by asking some really stupid questions. When with your friends and you are hoping to spark a fun conversation with a new friend, you can also be creative by introducing stupid questions when you deliberately want to liven up a place and get them laughing. Oftentimes, one of the most common things heard in school, workplace, and conference room is that there is no such thing as a dumb question and that the only questions regarded as dumb or stupid are the ones that were never asked. Some stupid people say stupid things, and yes, there is such thing as a stupid question. But the irony of this is that nobody gets to be both the judge and the jury in situations where these questions are asked because what may sound stupid to one person could be even more fascinating to the other.

Pub quiz questions and answers to try with friends and family this weekend

Certainly, someone is going to hear that question and they are inevitably going to have to react to it. Whatever be the case, if you are the person receiving the question, also have in mind that the essence of asking questions is to learn from it and not necessarily to just sound stupid in the end, however, also note that seemingly dumb questions could be asked deliberately by someone just for the purpose of testing your take on the subject of discussion. Stupid Philosophical Questions to Ask Someone If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it knocks down someone, does it stop to help them? If electricity comes from electrons, does that mean that morality comes from morons? Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? If you boarded a cab and the driver drove backward, does that mean he owes you money? If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?

100+ Funny Trivia Questions and Answers

Where in the nursery rhyme does it say Humpty Dumpty is an egg? If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables. What is baby oil made from? If someone owns a piece of land, how deep does their ownership go? Do they own it all the way to the center of the earth? Why is an electrical socket called an outlet when you plug things into it? Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead? Funny Stupid Questions to Ask What is the name given to male ballerinas? Can blind people see their dreams? Why are blueberries not blue in color? Why is it hard for women to put on mascara with their mouth closed? Why do they call it taking a dump? Is it wrong to enjoy the smell of your own gas? If you mated a bulldog and a shitsu, would it be called bullshit?

100 Fun Quiz Questions and Answers

Why do you have to click Start before you can stop Windows 98? Do the minutes on the movie boxes include the previews, credits, and special features, or just the movie itself? Why is it that the sun lightens our hair, but ends up darkening our skin? How do people get discombobulated? Have you ever seen someone who was combobulated? Why is Greenland called Greenland, when it is white and covered with ice? Did Noah have woodpeckers on the ark? If yes, where did he keep them? If we are clean before using bath towels, why do we wash them? There are a couple of reasons why people ask stupid or dumb questions, which includes gaining knowledge, as well as helping you understand things you never did and remove erroneous assumptions, and sometimes just to sound funny and make people laugh. More so, asking dumb questions will sometimes ensure that everyone is on the same page.

100 Fun Trivia Quiz Questions With Answers

Stupid questions can also help you to learn and uncover the complexity of things that initially seem to be obvious. However, answering that question would help to uncover and align the goals the company is aiming to achieve by making its operations digital. That being said, asking stupid questions can also help you acquire new knowledge. Similarly, if you shy away from asking the question, others might not realize your ignorance, but you will continue being ignorant. Even though some things are complex, try as much as you can to learn by yourself before asking others.

a general knowledge quiz guaranteed to make you feel stupid

Start With What You Know: Asking questions about things you have no clue about will even make look more stupid. Follow the Google Rule: It would be absurd to ask questions about things you can find the answer on Google. When asking a stupid question, ensure you ask it with confidence. Instead, ask for details that would clarify their explanation without showing you did not understand it.

Best Fun Trivia Questions and Answers That Will Entertain Anyone

Hearing dumb questions can be really frustrating, and if someone asks a stupid or dumb question, they are not going to feel good when others make a joke out of it or when they are being mocked. However, you can try to get them back on the right track but avoid saying anything that could be seen as sarcasm. They might feel embarrassed finding out they have missed something so simple, so it is pertinent to not make them feel worse about it.

56 Best Useless Trivia Questions And Answers – Spark fun conversations.

Contact Which part of his body did musician Gene Simmons insure for one million dollars? Have you ever heard that there's no such thing as a stupid question? You will find 30 questions, followed by a list of answers. What is a Blue Whale's heart the same size as? So, let's get your mind ready for the mess up! Regardless, you will definitely learn something new!

100 Funny Pub Quiz Questions and Answers 🤣

The trivia questions that not only get the best response but also entertain the players or teams the most are the most fun questions. A punch of funny questions and their funny answers. Use our selection for parties, game nights — any time you get together with friends or co-workers. Which game, demonstrated on televison in , did competitors accuse of being "sex in a box"? The Average American does what 22 times a day? Some of the cleverest trick questions involve plays on words, and we have quite a few included in this list. Trick questions entertain and inform.

200+ Music Trivia Questions and Answers

So read on; hopefully, one will put a smile on your face. A: Opens Fridge. A: Laughs. Early 18th century coaching inn on the old Great North Road. The average person does what thirteen times a day? That would be all for some cool and funny trivia questions and answers, for now. Dumb trivia quiz questions with the answers. In case, if you stumble across some more of such fun questions, do share them with us. As humorous as these funny trivia questions and subsequent answers might seem, there is a level of knowledge impeded in them notwithstanding the fact that most people always look out for the comic side of it, which will always get one laughing. Here are nine of the most hilarious questions and answers ever on The Chase Just stupid answers. Answer: Small Car 3. The world is a strange and funny place. Here's a bunch of funny tricky questions that will really get your brain.

Trivia Hall of Fame

On Sunday in Florida it is illegal for a single woman to do what? Trick Questions with Answers. Unlike ice breaker questions, fun trivia questions have a definite right answer, which makes them great for quizzes. What does come down but never goes up? Students tend to learn when education is entertaining.

Funny Trivia Questions and Answers Printable - Trivia QQ

As a nod to the classic film, the volume setting on BBC iPlayer also goes up to Which is the only legal sexual position in the state of Florida? Fed up of tourists stopping for photos and occasionally stealing its sign, from what did the German village of Fugging change its name in ? What common bathroom noise has pointless research shown to be most commonly in the key of E Flat? If we were able to utilise every individual sperm effectively, how many men would it take to impregnate every woman in the world? Who had a number one hit in the 90s with Chocolate Salty Balls? How were the badminton team known from before dropping the name under pressure from the IBF? The makers of a haemorrhoid cream approached the estate of Johnny Cash for permission to use which song in its advertisements?

50+ Multiple Choice Trivia Questions And Answers

Which word beginning with C and ending in T is hairy on the outside and wet and delicious on the inside? Need more questions? All the best music trivia questions and answers Silly Maths Quiz Answers.

202 Best Funny Trivia Questions and Answers You Should Know

About Dating. Question: What type of sportsman are most likely to get diseased anuses or rectums? While some of these quizzes may be for fun, the EN Personalities quiz by Entity is more like a legitimate test. Find famous people in hats, cancel out the celeb and guess the hat. Many of these questions are funny, some are embarrassing, and some dig deep. I enjoyed playing this and hope there is more quizzes just like this. Whose Hat Is It Anyway?

29 Useless Pieces Of Trivia You'll Want To Tell Everyone Right Away

By fadamana. For some funny questions for friends, read on. Just stupid answers. You can use our examples or write your own questions and answers. Kids especially will love our funny trick questions. If someone gets all the answers right, they will score 9 points. The three put together promise fun. You can share this quiz question with your friend at pub, home.. Students tend to learn when education is entertaining. So, do you love to prank your friends and ask them tricky or daring questions? General knowledge of the PC kind! Try my quiz and see how you do! Planning an after wedding party? Ask your friends these 50 funny questions, guaranteed to strengthen your bond.

Funny Pub Quiz Questions and Answers 🤣 | Trivia Quiz Night

Girls love to laugh, and they love a guy that can make them laugh! Hosting a virtual quiz with friends and family has become a regular part of most of our weekly schedules these days. Some trick questions provide laughs because they are so silly. Physical Intimacy. This page is intended for fun only! Answer: Having an erection Questions. This birthday quiz has six rounds and 70 questions in total. Regardless, you will definitely learn something new! It's good it has a lot of questions, it was hard to find a website with quizzes till i found this one and it had a lot of questions so i don't need to find a new one every two minutes. Attracting a Mate. But with so much effort going into them the first time around we may be struggling to keep friends and family interested. Ice Breakers YES or NO questions funny, uncomfortable, for friends, Here are the best list of Yes or No questions for friends, couples, boyfriend, girlfriend, for childrens to break the ice when you are spending time at get togethers, at vacations and more.

174+ Funny trivia questions [feel wow]

The family-friendly birthday quiz Round 1: Biography. Asking deeply personal questions isn't the only way to get to know someone. The easiest way to keep participants on side is by lacing your home made quiz with some fun and quirky questions. After you have created your own quiz with 10 customizeable questions, post and share your quiz-link with all your friends. This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. This quiz will test your knowledge of TV, history, geography, music and more. We have included a few old favorites to help kids feel smart. Use any of these questions as part of your lockdown 'pub' quiz, with rounds in history, quotes, music, celebrity kids and more Test your family and friends with these questions.

+ Music Trivia Questions and Answers | Thought Catalog

Your friends then try to reach 10 out of 10 points. At the answers reveal stage play a race video from YouTube and whichever number wins, gets the point. Ask players to choose a number between 1 and X. Funniest quiz questions, there are 20 funny quiz questions in our new article. Funny Questions to Ask Friends. This fun quiz will put your general knowledge to the test - and covers topics including food, film, geography, history and more. I would highly recommend this quiz to everyone. Funny Trick Questions. The world is a strange and funny place. There are toss-up questions and Who Am I? It is an obvious thing without any doubt that the funny trivia questions and answers will always motivate the children to learn, other than this the funny random trivia questions motivate teachers to teach with more energy and understanding.. Take this fun quiz to find out if you are a good friend and if you have good friends in return! It is intended for fun only so do not treat the result too seriously : Test your trivia here!

40 Really Stupid Questions To Ask People When You Want To Play Dumb

May 17, - These questions are written to make people laugh. Have you ever heard that there's no such thing as a stupid question? With that in mind, we have created this list of funny, rude quiz questions and answers to reveal how dirty your adult mind is. Then you can start with a list of funny newlywed game questions. Test your knowledge of everything from films to flags and the royal family answers included hertfordshiremercury. Friendship comes in many different forms. Isn't fun a part of any lighthearted conversation with friends? These quiz questions and funny riddles will keep your friend up all night, trying to figure out the answers! They need no theme - they are random. Everything can be a dirty joke if you are just brave enough. Ask your friends these funny questions or try to answer them yourself.

More Stupid Facts Quiz | 15 Questions

Let's go! And they can create some serious humor. Turn this into a quiz round by using very basic, open-ended questions can be about the people in the group , and asking your participants to respond with the wrongest answer they can think of. Contact Author. Tricky questions, some funny ones. You'll see your friends' results chart. And you will see their results and see whoch of them is your top friend. Funny questions make great conversation starters. Question: A law in Illinois prohibits men from doing what in public? In search of activities that will boost the fun on that very special day and have people entertained? Example of a T-Rex race here. In most cases, even the most innocent question would bring out the naughty side in you. Sometimes it isn't easy to find a good friend or to be one. Could this Friends quiz BE any more tricky? So read on; hopefully, one will put a smile on your face.

35+ Funny Quiz Questions and Answers ( Quiz)

Funny Quiz Round Ideas Who Won The Race. Cheeky Kid is a cybernaut who spends a lot of time browsing the web, grasping at infinite information and reveling in entertainment and fun. Make your own quiz - create 9 funny questions about yourself. Top Funny trivia questions in Answer: Water Skiers. Which part of his body did musician Gene Simmons insure for one million dollars?

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